Get in touch with our team
You can use this form to ask any questions you might have, from the process for hosting a family, more about our foundation, or how to start a chapter of Student U4U at your school. We also welcome contact from similar organizations, particular those that are student led.
If you’re a Ukrainian and seeking support we will soon have Ukrainian and Russian language pages and forms. You are, of course, welcome to get in touch below.
latest news
Nine days after my wife and I submitted the sponsorship forms, the U.S. government authorized admission to three Ukrainian refugees — Ruslan Hasanov, his wife, Maya, and their 2-year-old daughter, Melissa. Less than five weeks after that they were here. This is little short of a miracle to those of us who have long lamented […]
Individuals and families, both those who have fled from their homes and those who remain in Ukraine, must be given relief. As individuals, we can and should do more, and it would be a mistake to relegate the task of international aid solely to state actors.
Біженці та родини, що потерпають від війни та були змушені покинути свої домівки, потребують подальшого постачання допомоги. Ми самі повинні робити більше задля підтримки цих людей, оскільки перекладання зобов’язань міжнародної допомоги виключно на державних діячів було б нашою найбільшою та досить наївною помилкою.